Monday, August 10, 2015

Back to School

August has arrived and with it the sad fact for kids everywhere and happy relief for parents that school is starting!  This means back to school shopping and a major schedule change for everyone in the household, and even though we don’t usually include them in this it also means a big change for our fluffy and furry members of the family.  
Often we get so caught up in getting back into the school year routine that we forget about the new dangers around the house for our pets.  New school supplies such as erasers, scented markers, and glue sticks can be very enticing for curious dogs and cause gastrointestinal upset.  Also lunch boxes with snacks like grapes and raisins can cause serious kidney damage.  Chewing gum containing xylitol can also be very dangerous to our pets.  It is important as school starts to remember to keep lunch boxes and backpacks out of reach of our pets to prevent contact with these dangerous items.  
It is also important to remember to give our pets extra attention during this transition time.  Our pets are very schedule oriented so a quieter house during the day is a large change to our pet’s normal routine and this can cause anxiety.  If your pet gets into your new school supplies or is having a hard time with the transition to their new schedule please do not hesitate to contact one of our Doctors.  
Dr. Morgan Watkins

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